Incoming Gull!

Gull_WFTernRoost_TW7_1692-Edit16x9WEB Colonies of birds are a lot of fun to photograph – but it’s sometimes difficult to know where to look! We passed this roost of White-fronted terns briefly while boating around Akaroa, so there wasn’t much opportunity to wait for interesting behaviour. Luckily, there were a few impolite Red-billed gulls that insisted on having a spot in the middle of the colony. You can really see the size and shape difference between the birds here – the terns with their tiny legs and long graceful wings, and the larger gull with rounded wings and long red legs!

Looking for patterns and interactions are a good way to make photos that stand out – and having a strong focal point stops the eye wandering aimlessly around the image.


Seabird scientist and conservation photographer working in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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